Online Offerings & Tithes
We believe in giving because God is the original giver of both earthly life through our parents and heavenly life through Jesus. We believe that God calls us to be faithful stewards of all the gifts that he has entrusted to us: time, talent, finances, the environment (aka planet earth), and our children. We believe that Christians are called to actively serve the Lord, be it in any number of ministries within the church as well as outside.
For our church family, those who call LHBC their home church, who wish to make their offerings and tithes via e-transfer, you can use the email address listed in the weekly newsletter email.
Friends and guests of the church who wish to donate via their credit card can also make their contribution by visiting https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/9213 and selecting Lakeside Heights Baptist Church as the designated recipient. Please note, however, that the website deducts 3% as their service fee.