Welcome to Lakeside Heights Baptist Church’s website. We hope you will find the info about our church that you are looking for, and more importantly hope that you will find the Father that welcomes you home through his son, Jesus.
We believe that all of the universe was created by God, and that out of his love the triune God created life on earth to flourish. We believe that the Holy Bible in its collection of 66 books contains the story that the Creator wants us to know about Him, and His plans to redeem the humans that he created in His image, but who sinned and broke the relationship of love and intimacy that God intended in the Garden of Eden.
The Eden story first foreshadows His plans for salvation, and later the New Testament records how He fulfilled His plans through Jesus; through God's only begotten Son’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. We believe in Christ’s commission to make disciples, or followers, and in the corresponding baptism that each believer receives as an act of obedience in faith.
We also celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month, and encourage all believers to honour the Lord Jesus, through obedience in living in accordance with God's Word.
Lakeside Heights Baptist Church is a member of both Quebec Association of Baptist Churches and the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec.
We also believe in connecting and ministering with other local churches within God’s family. We are part of the West Island Network of churches (WIN) and have been enjoying joint ministry opportunities such as joint Holy Week services.
The church building is also used by St-Timothy’s Anglican Bible Church.
LHBC's Mission Statement:
Our mission is to receive people in a warm and friendly manner, as we work to provide an opportunity for people to come to God through Christ.
We are committed to fostering spiritual growth through:
Studying God’s word for its teaching, correction, and encouragement
Praying for each other and our society
Celebrating our new life in and through Jesus Christ
Communicating God’s promises to our community
Pastoral Transition
Following Pastor Ed Carruthers' tenure, Pastor Joshua Lee served at LHBC from March 2014 to Jan 2025. We are in a period of transition as we are prayerfully seeking God's provision of a leader for the next chapter of God's will in the family of Lakeside Heights Baptist Church. For any questions, please contact any of the Council members.